
Reiki (Chi Energy).  What is Reiki?  How does it work? Is it something to do with Religion? Does it actually work? These were some of the questions I had in my mind when I first heard about Reiki from a family friend. It got me curious so I enrolled myself for a Reiki Course, where I learnt about Reiki. I got my answers and will try to explain and share what I learnt and experienced about Reiki.

What is Reiki and how does it work?: Reiki is a Universal Life Force Energy, this energy is all around us which we can’t see but may have experienced it at some point in our lives. It’s like electricity, we all enjoy the benefits of electricity but we can’t see it. So if I put it in simple words, Reiki is a technique which allows you to transfer the Universal Life force Energy using your body as a medium.

It is believed that the there is a flow of Life force energy in every living person, the field of energy around our body is called Aura and within our physical body through pathways called Chakras and Nadi’s. When the flow is uninterrupted the person leads a healthy and happy life but with our current lifestyles with a lot of stress and negativity around us, the flow of energy is disturbed causing physical and mental diseases. This is where Reiki helps to restore the flow of energy.

A Reiki Practitioner uses their palms to transfer the positive life force Energy which clears and heals the blocked energy pathways thus providing peace and healing.

So is Reiki bound by religion?: Reiki is a healing method used for healing mind and body. When you take any medicine does it differentiate between religious beliefs or between a believer and non- believer? No!. The same way when the Life force energy is used as a way of healing it does not differentiate between a believer or non-believer or any religious beliefs. Reiki is not bound by religion; it’s like the fresh air around us we all breathe.

Does it actually work? : Reiki is a treatment that cannot be measured in any physical means so it is difficult to quantify its effectiveness. Though the people who have experienced Reiki and its effects can vouch for it and testify the change it has brought in their lives.

Reiki is gaining rapid popularity in UK to the extent NHS has also introduced Reiki as a therapeutic treatment for Cancer patients. In-fact several international organizations like Cancer Research are acknowledging and accepting the benefits of Reiki as a complimentary therapy for its patients. More details on this in my future blogs.

More people than ever before in UK and around the world are reaping the benefits of the Universal Life force Energy freely available to all of us. I would suggest that you need to experience it to believe it.

I hope the above information gives you an insight about Reiki; this is just a glimpse of the unexplored world of Reiki for many people. In my future blogs I will share more about my personal experiences with Reiki and the immense benefits that it brought to my life and how it can change your life! Watch out for this space and follow me on my Facebook Page Reiki Positive Energy and on Instagram @ReikiPositiveEnergy.











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